
GIMP Octave Plugin

This plugin provides a simple interface between GIMP and GNU Octave. Means you can edit a picture from GIMP in the high level numerical language Octave:

Download elsamuko-gimp-octave.c and install it with:

gimptool-2.0 --install elsamuko-gimp-octave.c

You will find it then under Filters → Mathematics → GIMP Octave. The input/output matrices and the Octave script are stored then in ~/.gimp-octave.

For more interesting examples, download and unzip the filter pack in ~/.gimp-octave. The filter pack needs the octave-image package which should be available in your repository. These are from here:

Søren Hauberg modified the plugin to a version with included terminal:

For example in this image the red layer has been fft-shifted by Octave (needs 5-6 secs for a 1MP image):